The key to your well-being is the Body. This is something you have forgotten, because you live in an increasingly mental world. The body stores memories of traumas and fears, which can be released and transformed.
Your body is closely related to your thoughts and emotions. It shows you when you are open and integrating, or on the contrary, you are blocking and running away. The relationship between body, mind and emotions means that working from one of these fields, you can transform the others. Let yourself be accompanied to the extent of your limits, fears, traumas and pains. From a secure and arranged space you will be able to open up to yourself with safety and respect.
Through 5 sessions we explore your resistances and topics that you feel you want to work on: relationships, disorder, tension, pain, etc. We will address physical solutions, to let go of what you no longer need in your life.
Finally, we will work and strengthen your next goals with confidence. Each phase is focused on different solutions with a complete sense. The intention will be to detach you from that which does not allow you to advance and reinforce the steps to follow in your new path.
1st Phase. Investigate the causes/origin of the problem
First, we know each other, speak and gather the important information for you and your life. We will delve into the root of the issues to work through systemic dynamics. Observing, analysing and dealing with your relationship with the different elements that influence your personal process.
I’ll give you basic breathing and movement exercises to help you through the next phase.
2nd Phase. Order
We will collect work and feelings that have arisen since the first phase.
In this second phase we will work with the therapeutic massage to recognize and reconnect with your body, your emotions and your thoughts. Thus, we will help release the memories that stand in the way of your advancement.
In the first two phases, the intention will be to help you get rid of what is limiting you. We will leave space to internalize the new patterns, which we will work in the next three phases.
3rd Phase. Materialize
First, we will analyse what has emerged so far. In this third phase, we will return to work from the systemic.
We focus on the new steps to take and advance in your transformation. We will also add new exercises to help you integrate this new information.
4th Phase. Integration
We will collect and analyse all those changes that have occurred. We will work again with the massage, this time, to prepare your body to manage the new physical, mental and emotional patterns.
5th Phase. Consolidate
In this last phase, we will collect and analyse the steps made previously. We will then work through systemic dynamics of the issue so that you can anchor all these changes that have occurred in you.
From here, we will decide if you want to continue with more sessions or track over time.