The intention is personal change and transformation.
The path is awareness and action focused on change.
The goal is the solution and clarity in situations of blockage, stress, anxiety and trauma.
I accompany you in a voyage of discovery.
I help you to give the best of yourself, reach your purpose and achieve a well-being life.
Free yourself and transform:
We will work in personalized individual sessions to order, change beliefs and achieve your purpose.
and internal tension, lack of clarity to make decisions.
depression, lack of motivation and passion for life.
lack of understanding and communication.
I help you discover your purpose in life and how to carry it out step by step.
Family constellations.
Observe beliefs about yourself and life; redefine your personal and family relationships, your partner, money, work, etc.
This is a path that will bring you clarity and awareness about how you relate to yourself and to others. +infoOnline therapy, individual sesionw.
Through these online processes you will work on the most relevant aspects for your personal evolutionary development.
These monitored processes will help you to fundamentally transform your life in multiple vital aspects. . +infoWorkshops for therapists.
Systemic Facilitation is a tool that will help you evolve in your work as a coach and therapist.
By combining facilitation and constellation processes, you will be able to work with yourself and with your clients in an effective and direct way. +infoOnline Workshops
In these workshops you will discover your dynamics and habits, developing the different themes and elements that appear in different situations of your daily life and we will carry out dynamics to recognize and transform them. With this work of awareness and observation of your internal dynamics, you will be able to achieve a new vision that will help you to face and sustain situations in such a way that they stop being a traumatic situation and become a feeling of improvement. In these workshops you will discover your dynamics and habits , developing the different themes and elements that appear in different situations of your daily life and we will carry out dynamics to recognize and transform them. NEXT WORKSHOPS
Through systemic therapy you will be able to live and manage your limits and fears, so that what was previously paralysis and pain, you can transform into action and vital changes.
The world is changing fastly.
Doing therapeutic and emotional work is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. see videoLa sessió amb Kai va ser poderosa i provocadora. Em va permetre veure les coses des d’una altra perspectiva. Va aclarir l’espai i em va posar en una posició que em va ajudar a anar cap endavant amb una sensació de claredat i obertura. Kai és un professional intuïtiu i molt recomanable. Sempre m’ha sorprès la seva capacitat per expressar qüestions emocionals sobre mi, sense conèixer-me, només a través del contacte. Personalment reconec saviesa en ell, la veritat, transmet molta calma i seguretat. Treballar amb en Kai ha estat una grata experiència de presència, escolta, empatia, acompanyament i sanació profunda. Estava molt encallada i bloquejada emocionalment i m’ha acompanyat en el meu dolor, m’ha guiat als meus dubtes i sempre m’ha acollit amb professionalitat els meus moments difícils. Després del nostre treball junts la meva vida personal i professional han agafat un camí inesperat de llum i bellesa. “Gràcies a l’acompanyament que he tingut del Kai he pogut alliberar emocions del passat, he començat a connectar amb mi de manera més sincera i he millorat amb les meves relacions personals.” “Kai és molt professional i considerable en tot moment. Es dedica completament al pacient i el seu record d’algunes sessions d’anys enrere són la prova. Com a terapeuta experimentat, Kai és respectuós amb la singularitat i la privacitat del pacient, trobant amb èxit l’equilibri adequat perquè el pacient trobi el seu propi camí i ritme de creixement. Encara que Kai té una gran empatia, no la utilitza per a empènyer al pacient. En lloc de ser condescendent, el parany en la qual alguns grans terapeutes cauen amb el seu acostament al pacient, Kai es manté suaument present, deixant que la seva presència i energia parlin per si mateixes. Aquesta és la raó per la qual només una frase que ell dirà després del tractament pot tenir més valor i pots sentir i recordar el seu missatge anys després”.Matthew Prosser
Gemma López
Jana Gacina